BrainAccess HALO Setup
Turn on the device by touching the touch button on the right side box. Once turned on the blue LED should start breathing. If the red LED also starts blinking, it indicates that a battery needs charging, please charge it first. Then follow these steps below to set up the HALO band for EEG measurements.

1. Take the handband with each hand holding the side boxes as shown in the photo. Use your thumbs and index fingers to push out the back part of the band and hold it.

2. Position the front part of the band on the forehead and pull the whole band backward (still holding the extended back part of the band with your fingers). Pull as much as needed so that the back part can be easily lowered without back electrodes touching the head.

3. Lower down the headband. It should be extended enough, so that the back electrodes do not touch the head, otherwise the back electrodes may get stuck in hair or brush through the skin. Once lowered to the correct position, slowly release the band so that the back electrodes start touching the skin. If needed, move the back part slightly up and down so that the spikes of the electrodes go through hair and touch the skin.

Important! Do not try lowering the band by simply pulling the devices downwards on the head. Extend the back and front parts of the band first before lowering down as explained in the previous steps.
Follow the tutorial for BrainAccess Board to connect the HALO device to the computer and start streaming and recording EEG data.