Source code for brainaccess_board.sq

import sqlite3
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import io
import threading

from typing import Union, Optional, List, Dict

lock = threading.Lock()

[docs] def adapt_array(arr: np.ndarray) -> sqlite3.Binary: """ Converts a NumPy array to a binary format for storing in SQLite. """ out = io.BytesIO(), arr) return sqlite3.Binary(
[docs] def convert_array(text: bytes) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a binary format back to a NumPy array. """ out = io.BytesIO(text) return np.load(out)
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, adapt_array) sqlite3.register_converter("array", convert_array)
[docs] def get_handle(name: Union[pathlib.Path, str], uri: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Establishes a connection to an SQLite database and sets up the cursor. Parameters: name (Union[pathlib.Path, str]): Path to the SQLite database file. uri (bool): Whether to treat the name as a URI. Returns: Dict: A dictionary containing the cursor and connection objects. """ con = sqlite3.connect( str(name), detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, check_same_thread=False, uri=uri, ) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=wal") return {"cur": cur, "con": con}
[docs] def query(handle: Dict, sql_query: str) -> List: """ Executes a given SQL query and fetches all results. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle containing cursor and connection. sql_query (str): The SQL query to execute. Returns: List: Query results. """ with lock: try: handle["cur"].execute(sql_query) return handle["cur"].fetchall() except Exception as e: print(f"Error at query {sql_query}: {e}") return []
[docs] def get_tables(handle: Dict) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves the list of all tables in the database. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. Returns: List[str]: A list of table names. """ sql_query = """SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';""" return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def get_table(handle: Dict, name: str, name2: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Finds a specific table based on given name patterns. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. name (str): Primary name pattern. name2 (Optional[str]): Secondary name pattern. Returns: Optional[str]: The table name if found, else None. """ tables = get_tables(handle) if not tables: return None for table in tables: if name in table[0]: if name2 and name2 in table[0]: return table[0] elif not name2: return table[0] return None
[docs] def get_metadata(handle: Dict, device: str) -> List: """ Fetches metadata for a given device from the database. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. device (str): The device identifier. Returns: List: Metadata records. """ meta = get_table(handle, name="meta", name2=device) if not meta: return [] sql_query = f"select channels, channels_type, channels_unit, sf, id from `{meta}`" return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def get_first_timestamp(handle: Dict, device: str) -> Optional[float]: """ Gets the earliest timestamp from a data table for a specific device. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. device (str): The device identifier. Returns: Optional[float]: The earliest timestamp if found, else None. """ data = get_table(handle, name="data", name2=device) if not data: return None sql_query = f"SELECT MIN(local_clock) FROM `{data}`" result = query(handle, sql_query) return result[0][0] if result else None
[docs] class InvalidDirectionError(Exception): pass
[docs] def get_data( handle: Dict, device: Optional[str] = None, direction: str = "last", count: int = 10, ) -> list: """ Retrieves data from a table based on the direction and count of records. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. device (Optional[str]): The device identifier. direction (str): Direction of retrieval ('all', 'last', 'first'). count (int): Number of records to retrieve. Returns: List: Data records. """ data = get_table(handle, name="data", name2=device) if not data: return [] if direction == "all": sql_query = ( f"select data, time, local_clock from `{data}` ORDER BY local_clock DESC" ) elif direction == "last": sql_query = f"SELECT data, time, local_clock FROM `{data}` ORDER BY local_clock DESC LIMIT {count}" elif direction == "first": sql_query = f"SELECT data, time, local_clock FROM `{data}` ORDER BY local_clock INC LIMIT {count}" else: raise InvalidDirectionError("Direction must be 'all', 'last', or 'first'.") return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def get_last_seconds_data(handle: Dict, device: str, duration: int) -> List: """ Retrieves data from the last given number of seconds. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. device (str): The device identifier. duration (int): The duration in seconds. Returns: List: Data records. """ data = get_table(handle, name="data", name2=device) if not data: return [] sql_query = f"SELECT data, time, local_clock FROM `{data}` WHERE local_clock+{duration} > (SELECT MAX(local_clock) FROM `{data}`) ORDER BY local_clock DESC" return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def get_range_data(handle: Dict, device: str, time_range: tuple) -> List: """Retrieves data within a given time range. Parameters ----------- handle (Dict): The database handle. device (str): The device identifier. time_range (tuple): The start and end times. Returns --------- List: Data records. """ data = get_table(handle, name="data", name2=device) if not data: return [] sql_query = f"SELECT data, time, local_clock FROM `{data}` WHERE local_clock BETWEEN {time_range[0]} AND {time_range[1]} ORDER BY local_clock" return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def get_devices(handle: Dict) -> List[str]: """ Lists all devices based on the tables available in the database. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. Returns: List[str]: A list of device identifiers. """ tables = get_tables(handle) devices: list = [] if not tables: return devices for table in tables: if "meta" in table[0]: devices.append(table[0].split("_")[1]) return devices
[docs] def get_data_after(handle: Dict, start: float, column: str, device: str) -> List: """ Retrieves data records that have a timestamp greater than the specified start time. Parameters: handle (Dict): The database handle. start (float): The start time. column (str): The column to compare the time. device (str): The device identifier. Returns: List: Data records. """ data = get_table(handle, name="data", name2=device) sql_query = f"SELECT data, time, local_clock FROM `{data}` WHERE {column} > {start} ORDER BY {column}" return query(handle, sql_query)
[docs] def close_db(handle: Dict) -> None: handle["con"].close()