"""EEG measurement example
Example how to get measurements using brainaccess library
Change Bluetooth device name to your device name (line 57)
import numpy as np
import time
import threading
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import butter, sosfiltfilt
from brainaccess import core
from brainaccess.core.eeg_manager import EEGManager
import brainaccess.core.eeg_channel as eeg_channel
from brainaccess.core.gain_mode import (
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=2):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
sos = butter(order, [low, high], analog=False, btype="bandpass", output="sos")
return sos
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=2):
sos = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
y = sosfiltfilt(sos, data)
return y
def _acq_closure(ch_number: int = 1, buffer_length: int = 1000):
data = np.zeros((ch_number, buffer_length))
mutex = threading.Lock()
def _acq_callback(chunk, chunk_size):
nonlocal data
nonlocal mutex
with mutex:
data = np.roll(data, -chunk_size)
data[:, -chunk_size:] = chunk
def get_data():
nonlocal data
with mutex:
return data.copy()
return _acq_callback, get_data
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Change to your device name
# Device name can be found on the back of the device
device_name = "BA HALO 001"
# init the core
# scan for devices
core.scan(0) # adapter number (on windows always 0)
count = core.get_device_count()
port = 0
# find the defined one
print("Found devices:", count)
for i in range(count):
name = core.get_device_name(i)
if device_name in name:
port = i
raise Exception(f"Device {device_name} not found")
# connect to the device
with EEGManager() as mgr:
print("Connecting to device:", core.get_device_name(port))
_status = mgr.connect(port)
if _status == 1:
raise Exception("Connection failed")
elif _status == 2:
raise Exception("Stream is incompatible. Update the firmware.")
# battery info
print(f"battery level: {mgr.get_battery_info().level} %")
# Get electrode count
device_features = mgr.get_device_features()
eeg_channels_number = device_features.electrode_count()
print(f"Device has {eeg_channels_number} EEG channels")
# set the channels
ch_nr = 0
# for i in range(eeg_channels_number):
for i in range(3, eeg_channels_number):
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.ELECTRODE_MEASUREMENT + i, True)
ch_nr += 1
mgr.set_channel_gain(eeg_channel.ELECTRODE_MEASUREMENT + i, GainMode.X8)
mgr.set_channel_bias(eeg_channel.ELECTRODE_MEASUREMENT + i, True)
# check if the device has accelerometer
has_accel = device_features.has_accel()
if has_accel:
print("Setting the accelerometer")
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.ACCELEROMETER, True)
ch_nr += 1
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.ACCELEROMETER + 1, True)
ch_nr += 1
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.ACCELEROMETER + 2, True)
ch_nr += 1
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.SAMPLE_NUMBER, True)
ch_nr += 1
# set the streaming channel, shows 0 if Bluetooth connection
# was lost and 0 was added to the data
mgr.set_channel_enabled(eeg_channel.STREAMING, True)
ch_nr += 1
# get the sample rate
sr = mgr.get_sample_frequency()
# define the callback for the acquisition
duration = 10
buffer_time = int(sr * duration) # seconds
_acq_callback, get_data = _acq_closure(
ch_number=ch_nr, buffer_length=buffer_time
# load defined configuration
# start the stream
print("Stream started")
# collect data
for i in range(duration):
print(f"Collecting data {i + 1}/{duration}")
# get the data
dat = get_data()
# stop the stream
print("Stream stopped")
# The EEGManager destructor calls mgr.disconnect()
# so we don't need to call it here
print("Disconnected from the device")
# close the core
print("Core closed")
# plot the data
print("Plotting the data")
# Create channel labels
ch = ["sample"]
ch.extend([f"ch_{i}" for i in range(eeg_channels_number)])
if has_accel:
ch.extend(["accel_x", "accel_y", "accel_z"])
# Apply bandpass filter to EEG data
eeg_data = dat[1 : eeg_channels_number + 1, :]
eeg_data = butter_bandpass_filter(eeg_data, 1, 40, sr)
# Normalize EEG data
eps = 1e-20 # To avoid division by zero in this example
eeg_data = (eeg_data - np.mean(eeg_data, axis=0)) / (np.std(eeg_data, axis=0) + eps)
# Add offsets for visualization
eeg_data = eeg_data + np.arange(eeg_channels_number)[:, np.newaxis]
# Create subplots
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
# Plot the data
axs[0].set_ylabel("EEG Channels")
if has_accel:
axs[1].plot(dat[len(ch) - 4 : -1, :].T)
axs[1].axis("off") # Hide the unused subplot
axs[2].plot(dat[0, :])
axs[3].plot(dat[-1, :])